18-02-2008          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

For world transformation, experiment with the power of silence.

Today, BapDada is pleased to see His children everywhere who are the lamps of the World Transformer Father's hopes. BapDada knows that the children have deep, extremely deep love for BapDada, and BapDada also has even more than multimillion times greater love for each and every child, and you are constantly going to receive this love at the confluence age. BapDada knows that as the time is coming closer, according to that, every child has the thought, zeal and enthusiasm in their heart that we now have to do something. Because you are seeing that today, all three authorities are in extreme upheaval - whether it is the authority of religion, authority of politics or authority of science. Even science is now not able to make matter function accurately. They say: "It has to happen", because the authority of science is based on having to work with matter. So, matter too is not under control even though they have the facilities of science. And as you progress further, these games of matter will increase even more, because matter no longer has the power of the beginning period. At such a time, just think: Which authority can bring about transformation? This power of silence will bring about world transformation. Do you know who is going to finish the upheaval everywhere? No one except the souls who have a right to sustenance from God can do this. So, do all of you have the zeal and enthusiasm of being the Brahmin souls who are with BapDada and are also His companions in the task of transformation?

Especially at amrit vela, BapDada has seen while moving along with you, that the extent to which there is upheaval in all three authorities, to that extent which you gods and goddesses of peace should be experimenting with the powerful power of silence, is still less. So, BapDada is now giving this enthusiasm to all the children: You are spreading the sound very well in the field of service, and although there is upheaval in that, the power of silence....(BapDada was repeatedly coughing). The instrument is not so well, but still BapDada cannot stay without meeting the children and nor can the children stay without meeting Baba. So, BapDada is giving this special signal: Now, spread the vibrations of the power of silence everywhere.

Now, you especially saw Brahma Baba and Jagadamba. While he himself was Adi Dev, he made so much incognito effort with the power of silence. Your Dadi also made this one thing so firm in order to become karmateet. While having responsibility and making plans for service, no matter how bad the instrument was, BapDada still had love (instrument was coughing again and again). So, no matter how big the service of responsibility may be, you cannot receive as much success of the instant and practical fruit of service as you want without the power of silence, because it is only then that you can create the reward for the whole cycle for yourself. For this, it is now the time for each one of you to accumulate the reward of the kingdom and of becoming worthy of worship for the whole cycle because delicate times are definitely going to come. At such times, with the power of silence, touching power and catching power are very essential. Such a time will come when these facilities will not be able to do anything. It will only be spiritual power and the touching of BapDada's directions that will enable you to carry out a task. So, check yourself: At such a time, will you be able to receive BapDada's touching in your mind and intellect? The practice of this over a long period of time is needed for this. The method for this is always, not sometimes, but always to keep your mind and intellect clean and clear. Rehearsals will now continue to increase and they will become real in a second. If there is the slightest negativity in your mind or intellect for any soul, any task or any co- operative companion, then that would not be said to be clean and clear. This is why BapDada is drawing your attention to this. Check: How much silence power have I accumulated throughout the day? While doing service, if I do not have the power of silence in my words, then I will not be able to receive the instant fruit of success to the extent that I want. There will be greater effort and less reward. Do service, but do service that is filled with the power of silence. By doing so, you will receive more than the result you want. Check yourself again and again. BapDada is pleased that, day by day, whatever service you are doing, and wherever you are doing it, it is good. However, more attention is now needed to accumulate the power of silence for the self and to bring about transformation.

Now, the whole world is searching: Ultimately, who will be instrumental as a world transformer? Because, day by day, sorrow and peacelessness are increasing and they will continue to increase. So, the devotees are remembering their special deities. Some have gone into extremes and are living in distress. Religion is looking towards the gurus, and the scientists are also thinking: How can we do this? When will it happen? So, who will respond to all of these people? There is this call in everyone's heart: When will the golden morning come eventually? So, all of you are the ones who will bring it about, are you not? You are the ones who will bring it about, are you not? You are the ones, are you not? Raise your hands, those who think that you are instruments for this! Are you instruments? Achcha. So many of you are instruments and so in how much time should it happen? All of you also become happy and BapDada is also pleased. Look, each one of you has this golden chance according to you're the golden time.

Now, you have service meetings among yourselves, you have those meetings to solve a problem, do you not? In the same way, have a meeting for this. Make a plan for remembrance and service. Remembrance means the power of silence and you will attain that when you are in the stage of the top. When you stand at the top (peak) of a place, you can see everything so clearly. In the same way, your stage at the top - what is the top-most point of all? It is the supreme abode. BapDada says: Do service and then come and sit with the Father, in the stage at the top. When you are tired, you sit down in silence for five minutes and that makes a difference. In the same way, every now and then, come and sit with the Father. What is the other place at the top? Look at the world cycle, what is the place at the top? At the confluence age, the needle is shown pointing to the top, is it not? So, you come down and do service and then go back to the place at the top. Do you understand what you have to do? Is time calling out to you or are you bringing time close? Who is the creator? So make such plans among yourselves. Achcha.

Children said that Baba has to come and the Father said: Ha ji. In the same way, continue to understand one another's situation, nature and attitude and say "Ha ji", for by doing so, the power of the gathering will create the flames of silence. You have seen a volcano, have you not? So, the power of this gathering will create the flames of silence. Achcha.

Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Bombay are serving in this turn: The very name is Maharashtra. According to the drama, Maharashtra has received a golden gift. What is that? Maharashtra received directly sustenance from Father Brahma and Maa. Delhi and UP also received it, but Maharashtra received it to a greater extent. Now, Maharashtra is great anyway. What do you have to do now? Maharashtra - all together have to make such a plan and have such a meeting in which everyone has the same nature, sanskar, and the same aim for service - how to spread the power of silence. Make plans for this. You will make these plans, will you not? You will make them, will you not? Achcha. Give BapDada a report after one month of the plans you have made. From these heart-to-heart conversations, further additions will be made. The different zones will also make additions. You can form the shape and the others will stud it with diamonds. You have this courage, do you not? Teachers, do you have this courage? Those in the front row, do you have this courage? Which zone will perform the dance of harmonizing sanskars? One zone can take up the topic: How to have a pure attitude, pure vision and pure actions. Another zone can take up the topic: If a soul is not able to transform his own sanskars - he has the desire but is unable to do this - how can you have forgiveness, mercy, co-operation and love for that soul and make your Brahmin family powerful? Make a plan for this. Is this possible? Is it? Those sitting in the first line, is it possible? Raise your hands if you think it is possible? All those sitting in the first line are the maharathis. Now, BapDada is not mentioning any names, but each zone can have a heart-to-heart conversation about whatever they like and then give their results after Shiv Ratri, after one month. It is Maharashtra and it is good. Expansion is taking place everywhere. BapDada is giving congratulations for that. Congratulations. You have congratulations for what you have done so far, but now, let the quality increase. Quality does not mean that they should be wealthy. Quality means that they show the proof of remembrance as a discipline in their life. And you know about the mikes and heirs anyway. They should have faith in the intellect and they should be carefree.

Double foreigners, stand up: (Special retreats took place for Couples and Kumaris): These kumaris have come with their own symbol. It looks good. Kumaris, turn around so that everyone can see you. Turn around. It is good. All of you are lucky, but kumaris are double lucky. Why? In fact, kumars are also lucky, but if kumaris remain immortal in their kumari life, they receive BapDada's throne of being "guru-bhai" (next in line to the guru). You have the heart-throne anyway. All of you have that, but the throne of the guru is the place where you sit and read the murli; you become teachers and teach others. This is why BapDada says: Kumaris are those who uplift 21 families (generations). So, you uplifted your 21 births, but whomsoever you become instruments for, you also uplift them for 21 births. So, you are such kumaris, are you not? Are you like that? Pakka? (Sure). Those who are a little weak, raise your hands. You are firm ones. Have you seen whether they are firm kumaris? (asking Mohiniben, New York): Say whether the group of kumaris is firm. Who is their teacher? Pakka? Then you may all clap. BapDada is pleased too. (This is the 8th Kumaris Retreat and their topic was: The experience of belonging. There were 80 Kumaris from 30 countries. Everyone had a very good experience of belonging.) Congratulations. These were the kumaris. Who are all of you? You say: They are the kumaris and we are Brahma Kumars and Brahma Kumaris. You are no less either. This is a group of kumars. It is a mixed group. It is good. What intoxication do the couples have? Do you know what extra intoxication you have? From the time that the householders have imbibed this knowledge, the majority of the people have developed courage that they too can do this. We too can do this. Previously, they used to think: To become a Brahma Kumari mean that they have to renounce everything, whereas they now understand that, even after becoming a Brahma Kumar or Kumari, they can do everything, and live with the family and continue with everything. The couples have one other speciality. They have challenged the great souls that while, living together, while interacting with everyone, their interaction with God is elevated and they are victorious. So, to give the courage of victory is the duty of the couples. This is why BapDada is congratulating the couples.

Is this all right? You are those who will challenge them, are you not? Are you firm in this? If someone comes and does "CID", let them do it. Tell them: They can do it. Do you have this courage? Raise your hands! Achcha.

BapDada always considers the double foreigners to be those who have courage. Why? BapDada has seen that you go to work, you attend classes, some of you also conduct classes and you become helpers in all- round service at the centres. This is why BapDada is giving you the title: You are an all-round group. Continue to move forward in this way and continue to make others move forward in the same way. Achcha.

Rural wing meetings are taking place. You told Baba that you are doing something new. Are you doing anything new? Anyone can share that news. What are you doing? (Mohiniben of Madhuan said: Together with experimenting with yoga, they are making plans to produce food without the use of fertilizer.) Nowadays, there is a problem with whatever is produced in the fields. So, it is good work that you are doing. Your own benefit is that you are having yoga and secondly, you will receive blessings from the public. So, what you are doing is good. You are doing it with zeal and enthusiasm. Continue to do that. Congratulations.

The new ones who have come here for the first time, stand up. Half the class is new. So, all of you must be experiencing special happiness of coming to Madhuban. Congratulations filled with happiness. BapDada always says to everyone: May you always continue to revise your blessing at amrit vela of being immortal. Here, you receive blessings from the Father, but the blessing will only be useful at the time if you revise it daily. So, continue to revise it and continue to move forward, ahead of all. Achcha.

All those who have come, BapDada is making this body function through the loving invocation from all of you.

Teachers: Are the teachers all right? There are many teachers. Achcha, even the older ones are standing up. It is good. You too have received the title of being equal to the Father. The Father comes here as the Teacher too. A teacher means one who makes others experienced on the basis of her own experience. The authority of experience is the greatest. If someone has an experience of something once, he doesn't forget that for his whole lifetime. Something you have heard or seen may be forgotten, but whatever you have experienced can never be forgotten. So, teachers means those who become experienced and make others experienced. This is what you do, is it not? It is good. Whatever is lacking in your experience, fill that gap in one month. Then, BapDada will ask for the result. Achcha.

To all those who are seated on BapDada's heart-throne and the throne of the kingdom of the world, while constantly increasing your power of silence and giving others the zeal and enthusiasm to make them move forward, to those who always remain happy and give everyone the gift of happiness, to all BapDada's lucky and lovely children everywhere, BapDada's love, remembrance, blessings and namaste.

To Dadi Shantamani: What title have you received? (A true shell.) BapDada always sees you in the form of a true shell. It is good. You are still making yourself move along. Congratulations. Your body is at least co-operating.

(Munniben asked BapDada: Baba, has Dadi taken birth? BapDada said: Yes, she has.)

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