20-03-2004          Om Shanti          Avyakt Bapdada          Madhuban

Especially celebrate this year as the year for being liberated-in-life. With unity and stability (concentration), reveal the Father.

Today, the Ocean of Love is seeing all the loving children from everywhere. The Father has imperishable love of the heart for the children, and children too, have imperishable love in the heart for the Father, the Comforter of Hearts. Only the Father and the Brahmin children know of this God's love and love from the heart. Only you Brahmin souls are worthy of God's love. Devotee souls are thirsty for God's love. They are calling out, whereas you fortunate Brahmin souls are worthy of the attainment of that love. BapDada knows why children have special love. It is because it is only at this time that you attain all the treasures from the Master of all treasures. These treasures do not last for just this one birth of the present time, but these imperishable treasures remain with you for many births. All of you Brahmin souls will not go back empty-handed like the souls of the world do. You will take all treasures with you. You do have the intoxication of the attainment of these imperishable treasures, do you not? And all of you children have accumulated the imperishable treasures, have you not? Do you always have the intoxication and happiness of having accumulated? Is the sparkle of having accumulated these treasures visible on each one's face? You know which treasures you have attained from the Father, do you not? Do you ever check your account of accumulation? The Father gives all the children each of the treasures endlessly. It isn't that He gives a little to some and more to others. Every child is a master of the endless, constant and imperishable treasures. To become a child means to be a master of the treasures. Make these emerge. How many treasures has BapDada given to you?

The first treasure of all is that of the wealth of knowledge. So have all of you received the wealth of knowledge? Or are you going to receive it still? Have you also accumulated it? Or have you accumulated only a little and a little has been used up? To have the wealth of knowledge means to perform actions while sensible and trikaldarshi. It means to be knowledge- full. To have full knowledge and to understand the knowledge of the three aspects of time and to use that wealth of knowledge for a task. By using this wealth of knowledge in every task in your practical life, you achieve success by using it in the right way, so that you receive liberation from many bondages and also liberation-in-life. Do you experience this? It isn't that you will receive liberation-in-life in the golden age, but even now, in this life of the confluence age, you receive liberation from many limited bondages. Your life becomes free from bondage. You do know how many bondages you have become free from, do you not? You have become free from so many different forms of distress (hai, hai - worries). And "hai, hai" has now finished for all time, and instead, you sing songs of "Wah, wah!". If there is the trace of "hai, hai", may be not through words, but even in your thoughts or dreams, if it enters your mind, then you are not liberated-in-life. Is it, "Wah, wah, wah!" Mothers do not cry out in distress, do you? You don't, do you? Do you sometimes do this? Do the Pandavas do this? You may not do it through your words, but if there is the slightest trace of "hai, hai" in your mind in any situation, then you cannot fly. Hai (form of distress) means bondage and fly means the flying stage, that is, it means to be liberated-in-life and free from bondage. So check, because until Brahmin souls themselves are free from bondage, if there are any golden or diamonds chains still tied, then the gate of liberation cannot be opened for all souls. When you become free from bondage, the gate of liberation will open for all souls. So, you have the responsibility of opening the gate and of freeing all souls from their sorrow and peacelessness.

Check to what extent you have fulfilled your responsibility. All of you have taken the contract of carrying out the task of world transformation with BapDada. You are the contractors, you are responsible for it. If the Father wants, He can do everything, but the Father has love for you children. He doesn't want to do it alone by Himself. As soon as He incarnated, He also incarnated all of you. You celebrated Shiv Ratri, did you not? Whose Shiv Ratri did you celebrate? Of BapDada alone? You also celebrated the Shiv Ratri of all of you too, did you not? You are the Father's companions from the beginning to the end. Do you have this intoxication that you are companions from the beginning till the end? You are God's companions.

So, now, in playing the part of the end of this year's season, this is what BapDada now wants from all the children. Should Baba tell you what He wants? You will have to do that You won't just have to listen, you will also definitely have to do it. Is that OK, teachers? Teachers, raise your hand! Teachers are waving their fans; you are feeling hot! Achcha, will all of you teachers do this and inspire others to do it also? Will you inspire others? Will you do it? Good! You are feeling the breeze (from the fans) and also waving your hands. This scene is very good. Very good. So in the closing ceremony of this season, BapDada wants to create a new type of Deepmala (rosary of lights). Do you understand? Baba wants to celebrate with a new type of Deepmala (rosary of lights). So, are all of you ready to celebrate the Deepmala? Those who are ready, raise your hand! Do not just say "yes" for the sake of it. Do not raise your hand just to please BapDada, but do it from your heart. Achcha. BapDada wants to see the ignited lamps who will fulfil His hopes. BapDada wants to celebrate the Deepmala of the lamps of BapDada's hopes. Do you understand which Deepawali? Is this clear? Pandavas, is this clear?

So, who are the lamps of BapDada's hopes? From last year, and this year's season has also ended now. Baba had told you, and all of you also had the thought. Do you remember? Some of you have fulfilled that thought just to the level of thoughts. Some of you have fulfilled that thought only half, and some are still thinking, and those thoughts are just to the level of their thinking. What was that thought? It is not anything new. It is something old: To bring about transformation in everyone through self-transformation. Put aside the world for now, but BapDada now wants to see transformation in the Brahmin family through self- transformation. This is what BapDada wants to see. Baba doesn't want to hear any more, "If this happens, then this will happen. If this one changes, then I will change. If this one does this, then I will do it too." In this, Father Brahma is especially telling every child: Become "Hey Arjuna" like me. In this, let it be, "I first", not "you first". Let it be, "I first." This "I" is a benevolent "I", but the limited "I" is one that will make you fall. There is a saying, "The one who takes the responsibility is Arjuna", and Arjuna means to be number one. Not numberwise, but number one. So, do you want to become number two or number one? BapDada has seen something amusing in many tasks, and Baba is telling you something that happens in the family, because it is the family that is sitting here. When there is a certain type of task, BapDada receives the news. There are some tasks and programmes which are for especially for special souls. So, the thought reaches BapDada and Dadis - because Dadis are the instruments in the corporeal form. Your thoughts reach BapDada. What thought reaches BapDada? "My name should also be included in this. Am I any less? Why is my name not mentioned? So, the Father asks: Why is your name not mentioned in "Hey Arjuna"? It should be in that, should it not? Or should it not be included? Should it be included? Those sitting in the front, the maharathis are sitting in the front, should it be in that? Should it be? Father Brahma demonstrated this practically. He never looked at anyone as to whether he was doing something or not. No. I first. You were told earlier too, that there are many types of royal forms of "I". All of those types of "I" finish with this "I". So, BapDada's hopes for the completion of this season are that every child, who calls himself or herself a Brahma Kumar or Kumari, who know themselves as, who accept themselves as BKs, all those Brahmin souls, should become free from the limited bondages that you have even just in the form of thoughts. Become free from bondage and liberated-in-life, like Father Brahma. Be liberated in the Brahmin life, not in the ordinary life. Celebrate this year especially as the elevated Brahmin life of liberation. To the extent that each of you Brahmin souls can know your own subtle bondages, others cannot know them to that extent. BapDada knows because BapDada has a TV, a TV of the mind. Not a TV of the body, but a TV of the mind. So, in the next season - and there will be a season, won't there? Or should we put an end to it? There should be leave for one year? Should we take a break for one year? Pandavas, should we give it a break for one year? (Dadiji was saying that there should be 15 days leave in one month.) Achcha. Very good. Is everyone saying this? Those who don't want there to be leave for one year, raise your hand! Those sitting in the gallery are not waving their hands. Achcha. Very good. The Father always says, "Ha ji, ha ji" to the children. That is fine. Now, when will the children say, "ha ji" to the Father? You made the Father say, "Ha ji", did you not? The Father says: The Father is also putting a condition. Will you agree to this? Will you agree? All of you, at least say "Ha ji". Sure? You won't give any excuses, will you? Now, take a picture of everyone's faces on the TV. It is good. The Father is also pleased that all the children are those who say, "Ha ji, ha ji".

BapDada wants that no one should give any excuses, "it is because of this, because of this, and this is why there is this bondage." Do not be a problem, but be an embodment of solutions. You also have to make your companions this because you are seeing the condition of the times. The words of corruption are increasing so much. Corruption and assaults are going into the extreme. So, the flag of greatness (becoming elevated) should first be hoisted in the mind of every Brahmin soul. Only then will it be hoisted in the world. You have celebrated so many Shiv ratris. At every Shiv Ratri, you have this thought that you will hoist the Father's flag in the world. Before hoisting this flag of revelation in the world, each one of you Brahmins, in your mind, will have to hoist the Father's flag on your heart-throne. In order to hoist this flag, you will have to simply use two words in every action; in your actions. Not in your thoughts, not in your head, but in your heart, actions, relationships and connections. They are not difficult words, they are common words. Those words are i) To have unity in all relationships, connections and amongst yourselves. Even whilst there are many sanskars, there should be unity in the diversity. ii) Whatever elevated thoughts you have, BapDada likes it very much when you have such thoughts, and seeing and hearing these thoughts, BapDada is very pleased, "Wah, wah, children, wah! Wah, elevated thoughts, wah!, But..,. There is a but. There shouldn't be a "but", but there is. The majority of you, that is, about 90% of you children have very good thoughts. BapDada also thinks that today, this child's thoughts are very good, and there will be progress, but these are reduced by 50% when it comes to words, and reduced by 75% when they are put into actions. It becomes mixed. What is the reason for this? There isn't concentration and determination in your thoughts. If there were concentration in your thoughts, then concentration is the means of success. Determination is the means of success. There is a difference in that. What was the reason? BapDada sees only one thing in the result. You look at others a lot. All of you show this, that when you point a finger at someone, four fingers are pointing towards the self. So, you don't see the four fingers, but you see the one a lot.

Therefore, there has to be determination and concentration. There is fluctuation in the unity. "If this one does, then I will do this". Those who take the initiative become Arjuna. You become the second number in this. Otherwise, change your slogan: Instead of "World transformation through Self transformation", let it be "Self-transformation through World transformation." "Self-transformation through the transformation of others." So, should we change the slogan? Should we change it? Should we not change it? BapDada is also placing one condition, do you agree to that? Should Baba tell you that? BapDada will see the result in 6 months and will then come, otherwise, He will not come. When the Father has said, "ha ji", children should also say, "Ha ji". No matter what happens, BapDada says, "For self-transformation, you will have to die to the consciousness of of the limited "I". Die to the consciousness of "I", not die physically.

You don't have to die physically, but die to the consciousness of "I". "I am right". "I am this. Am I any less? I am everything. Die to this consciousness of "I". You will have to die too.. So, this death is a very sweet death. This is not dying, but it is living with the fortune of the kingdom for 21 births. Do you agree? Teachers, do you agree? Double foreigners, do you agree? The double foreigners have courage in fulfilling whatever thoughts they have. This is their speciality. And the people of Bharat have triple courage. Double Foreigners have double courage and they have triple courage. So, this is what BapDada wants to see. Do you understand? This is the lamp of the elevated holes of BapDada, that BapDada wants to see ignited in each child. So, this year, celebrate this Diwali, even if you celebrate it after 6 months. Then, when BapDada has seen the celebration of Diwali, He will then give His own programme. You have to do it. If you don't do it, will those who come after you do it? Your rosary of of 16,000. Only you older ones are to come in the rosary of 108. The new ones will come later. There will be some who have come last and will go fast. There will be some examples who have come last and will go first, but there will be few of these. But otherwise, there are just all of you. You have become this every cycle and you will become this. Doesn't matter where you are sitting abroad or in this land, those who have firm faith in the intellect over a long period of time have all rights anyway. BapDada has love for you, and so those who have been here for a long time, those who are good effort-makers - not complete effort-makers - but good effort-makers, BapDada will not leave them behind. He will take them with Him. So, have the firm faith. We were, we are and we will remain together (with You). Is this firm? Sure? Simply make emerge the feelings of being one who has pure and positive thoughts for others, one who has pure thoughts of the original self, one who has pure feelings, feelings of transformation, feeling of giving co-operation and feelings of mercy. At present, you have kept them merged. Now let these feelings emerge. Do not give many corrections, but forgive them. Each one is cleverer than the other in giving corrections, but give corrections with forgiveness. You may give teachings/corrections in the form of reading the murli, giving courses, holding programmes, but when it comes to interacting in your work, then give teachings with forgiveness. Do not just give corrections. Give corrections by being merciful. Then your mercy will work in such a way that the weaknesses of others will be forgiven. Do you understand?

Everyone has done many types of service and each one is doing it, but BapDada is giving one signal: Quantity and quality - Serve the quantity, but also make the quality co-operative in service. Bring those with quality in front. Bring them onto the stage of service. Quality and quantity - serve both simultaneously. Not that serving the quality is left behind when your attention is on serving the quantity. Because time is coming close. The revelation of the Father will take place when those of quality reveal the task and the Father. To give a message is essential, but to make them the carriers of the message is also essential. Even now, those of different wings have come. BapDada has heard that people from many different wings have come. All those who have come from the different wings, raise your hand!

(BapDada made all the different wings raise their hand, group wise from the following groups: Sports, Administrator, Youth, IT Group, etc.)

Whichever wing you have come from, you have had meetings, but none of the wings have shown to BapDada your number one IP in that particular wing. Tell Baba, have you made any mike ready from any wing? Have you prepared any such mike from any wing who can be the mike and you become the might? Which wing has done this, raise your hand? Who has done this? Whatever wings' programmes you have now, each wing should bring a group of their smaller mikes in the front to Madhuban. You can do this, can you not? BapDada should also at least see which children are ready. Do not bring them in front of BapDada. First of all bring them in front of Dadis. They will certify them and then bring them in front of BapDada. It is good. Achcha. You have heard a great deal. Achcha.

Now, to listen means to accommodate. To accommodate means to put into your practical form. Now, in the Brahmin family of 600,000, be constantly loving and co-operative with one another and those who increase courage. Achcha.

This time, it was the turn of Rajasthan to serve and UP also helped. It is good, is it not? Rajasthan has received many chances of accumulating a lot of charity. To the extent that the numbers have increased, to that extent, the charity received by souls was accumulated in the account of the servers. So, Rajasthan received a golden lottery of charity without even thinking about it. It is good. Rajasthan received this and so everyone is happy. It is good that all of you gave your time and fulfilled your responsibilities and achieved success in service.

Congratulations for this. Achcha. (Today, there were more than 25,000 brothers and sisters in the gathering.) All of you gave congratulations to the Dadis and the servers. You make them work so hard. You may applaud a lot. Sit down.

Now, are you able to become a master of your mind in one second and stabilise it for as long as you want? Are you able to do this? Are you able to do this? So, now perform this spiritual exercise. Let there be total concentration of the mind. There shouldn't be any upheaval even in your thoughts; unshakeable. Achcha.

To all those from everywhere who are the masters of the imperishable, constant treasures; to the elevated souls who remain stable in the stage of being free from bondage and liberated-in-the confluence-aged life; to those who complete (fulfil) BapDada's hopes, to the master almighty authority souls who are always full with the power of unity and concentration,

BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste. To all the children in all four corners who are sitting far away and who have sent love and remembrances and letters, BapDada is giving them also lots of love and remembrance from the heart. As well as this, many children have sent very good letters of their refreshment from Madhuban, and special love, remembrance and namaste to those children too.

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