18-01-2011          Om Shanti            Avyakt Bapdada            Madhuban

Experience the pleasure of the stage of liberation-in-life like Father Brahma while living this life. Give the gift of love of becoming a conqueror of the mind and, therefore, a conqueror of the world.

Today is the special day of remembrance of Father Brahma, of when he became avyakt. Love for Father Brahma is merged in the eyes of all the children. Today, from even before 4.00 am, the children's love reached the subtle region, celebrating a meeting with Father Brahma. Symbols of love, signs of love from the heart reached Father Brahma as garlands. The love of the children is merged in the fragrance of each garland. Each and every child's eyes and smile spoke of matters of the heart. Father Brahma was also giving the return of love to each one. The Father saw that even now each child is giving the love of his heart through the language of the eyes. God's love makes each child easily belong to the Father. This alokik (spiritual) love makes Him belong to you through the experience that Baba is mine: "Mera Baba".

Because the children said "My Baba", this love makes you the masters of the Father's treasures. As soon as you say "My Baba" you become a master of all the treasures. This love makes you forget the consciousness of the body in a second and makes you soul conscious. Nothing other than the Father attracts the soul. This day has great importance. It is not just the day of remembrance, but it is the day of power because on this day the Father Himself became the One who gets things done (Karavanhar) and gave the children the tilak of being the doers (karanhar) for world service. The "Son who shows Father" was made into the instrument to do the task. He himself became Karavanhar and made the children karanhar, for there to be success in service. The means of success in service is to have the awareness that "I am karanhar and Karavanhar is making me do everything." This awareness is essential because you had the awareness of "I" which brought you into body consciousness for 63 births. Karavanhar is making me do everything. I am karanhar, an instrument. With this awareness, considering yourself an instrument, body consciousness finishes. This is why he made the children karanhar and He Himself became Karavanhar. When you are karanhar you automatically become an instrument and humble. Even now, because BapDada made the children instruments for service, the Father saw that the fruit of service in the form of success is sparkling on the foreheads of the servers, the stars. BapDada is pleased to see the service of the majority of the children, and this is why Father Brahma is especially congratulating such children and saying "Wah children! wah!"

Father Brahma was especially happy and congratulating them for becoming instruments for service and moving service forward. Father Brahma is even now signaling the children to adopt the angelic stage, like him. BapDada saw that the children are paying attention. Father Brahma was constantly liberated in life.

Although still having such a big responsibility to look after such a big family, to make everyone have a yogi life, to look after the responsibility of so much service, to constantly enable everyone to move forward in service, while having all these responsibilities, he still experienced the pleasure of liberation in life. This is why, on the path of devotion, Brahma has been shown on a lotus seat. He became liberated in life and experienced the pleasure of liberation in life at this time and he made all of you children the same too. Even now, he is showing you children various methods to make you angelic and wants you to become the same as himself.

BapDada saw that each child has a good aim. What do you say when anyone asks you what your aim is?

Do you remember what you say? That you definitely will become equal to the Father. In what way will you become equal to the Father? In this life you will become a sample of a life of liberation in life.

BapDada saw that you do pay attention to the homework that you are given. You have those experiences, but you do not do it all the time. Regarding the work you have just been given, Baba received a report that some children made effort and paid attention every month. Some zones have reported a good result for one month. BapDada says, "Wah children! wah!" to the zones who have sent their report, and congratulates them. What does BapDada want now? Though you stay all right sometimes, now BapDada wants every child to be like this all the time. You have become good yogis, but He now wishes to make you constant yogis. BapDada had given children some work. Every hour create a method to be able to change "sometimes" into "all the time" in order to be constant. According to the saying "those who conquer their minds conquer the world." BapDada now wants your mind to have only the thoughts that you ask it to have. Why? All your physical senses do what you want when you want, do they not? In the same way, your mind should also only do what you order it to do. You practice this, but, sometimes, you don't practice it.

BapDada now wants you make you control your mind as you want using the reins of the powers. To whom does the praise "those who have conquered their mind have conquered the world" belong? It is the praise of you children. Because you achieved this every cycle, there is the praise. You say that all your physical senses belong to you. In the same way, you also say that your mind belongs to you. To say that it is yours means you are its master. Whatever thought you wish to have in your mind and for however long you wish it to be there, your mind is bound to do that because it is your mind. So, on this day of love, BapDada wishes to give you this homework: only create the thought that you wish to have. If you wish to have pure thoughts, then, if any waste thoughts arise your pure thoughts should finish them. If you wish to have yoga but, due to your sanskars, waste thoughts arise instead, or, if you are not successful in having yoga, you need to develop this control. If you wish to have yoga for one hour, your mind should not disturb you. The soul is the master; the mind is not the master. The mind is the companion of the soul. So, order your companion with love. Become a conqueror of the mind. BapDada receives news from many children that they have waste thoughts from time to time. You have waste thoughts even against your wish. Would you call this being a master? You have love for Father Brahma, do you not? So, today, the Father is telling you his heart's desire with a lot of love. Now, you must definitely become a conqueror of your mind which makes you a conqueror of the world. Will you give Father Brahma this gift of love? When you have love, what would you give? A gift is given, isn't it? So today, Father Brahma is asking you children to give this gift. Are you ready? Are you ready? Raise your hands! If from today you are given the instruction not to allow any waste thoughts to come, would you be able to do it? Today, are you able to perform actions while in a stage of yoga and also have yoga for two or four hours? Can you do this? Will you do it? OK, now let the past be the past! Now order your mind from today to put a full stop to all waste thoughts. You will have to do it, will you not?

Today, keep this aim in yoga and you will then have to make effort according to that throughout the day, will you not? Out of love for the Father, you will have to do what the Father says. The method to finish all waste thoughts is to remember Brahma Baba's love in your heart. Whether or not you saw him in the corporeal form, all of you have seen him with the power of the intellect, have you not? Have you seen him or not? Those of you who say that you have seen Baba's love and who have seen the sustenance of Father Brahma, are you moving forward according to that? If so, raise your hands! Achcha. You have pleased Baba by raising your hand. BapDada is pleased that at least you have had that courage. However, when you lose courage, always remember your relationships with the Father. How many relationships are there?

Sometimes He is the Father, sometimes He even becomes the Child. Sometimes He is the Father and sometimes He even becomes your Friend. Either remember the relationship or the attainments. Remember the attainments and the relationships, just as you are remembering that in your heart today, are you not? If you remember in this way you will develop love. Even today, all of you are experiencing Father Brahma's love in your hearts, are you not? Whenever something is not right, then remember the relationships and the attainments. The Father co-operates with every child. All you have to do is to remember Him. Have you understood what you have to do today? Become the embodiment of the praise, "those who conquer the mind are conquerors of the world." Control your mind with your orders. Now, because you have left it a little free, it does its own work. Now, pay attention! Your mind has to work under your orders, not that you act under the orders of your mind. You wish to contemplate upon matters of knowledge but instead useless thoughts arise in your mind. So, what happened? Is your mind the master or are you the master?

Has everyone understood the homework? You have to conquer your mind. Whatever your order, it will obey that; it will definitely obey that. All you have to do is to pay attention. Mothers and teachers, is this possible? Is it possible? Teachers, raise your hands! Teachers are raising their hands. If you think this is possible, then wave your hands! At least those sitting in the first row, wave your hands! Brothers, wave your hands! Wah! It means you have given Father Brahma the gift of love. Congratulations for that.


It is good. Love for BapDada gives you a lot of co-operation. When you say "My Baba" from your heart, when you say "My Baba", then, who is "I"? The Father's long-lost and now-found child. How many times do all of you say "My Baba"? How many times do you say "Mera Baba"? The Father hears it and notes everything. Double foreigners are also listening, are they not? BapDada saw that double foreigners have been present for the full season. They have been present in Madhuban for every meeting. Even now, there are 350 here. They come for their own turn and then a few come from somewhere or other in every turn.

Now, BapDada will continue to look at the results and all of you should also continue to look at your results as detached observers. Simply remember that you have promised BapDada that you will become the masters. BapDada can now give this work to at least each zone. This zone should give the result for this next week or 15 days: not only that you didn't have any waste thoughts, but whether you carried out the topic you were given about the mind or not. Do you teachers agree? Do you agree? Should any zone be given this work? Raise your hands! Teachers! This is Maharashtra, is it not? Those from Maharashtra would be given some great work to do, would they not? BapDada has love for each zone and always has faith that this child will do exactly what the Father has asked. Is it so? Maharashtra, is it the case that the Father asked you to do something and you did it? Those from Maharashtra, raise your hands! There are many. It is three-quarters of the class. Each zone follows the instructions of the Father. Everyone is nodding. The Father also has the faith that My children have faith in their intellect.

BapDada wants you to use every day's elevated versions (murli) as your homework. If you children do what the Father asks in each day's murli, then it means you are acting as the Father's long-lost and now-found children, the obedient children. What do you have to do? Read every day's murli because BapDada has seen that the majority of children love the murli. Even if someone doesn't love it, if a child says to BapDada: "Baba, I love You a lot." but what does the Father love? He loves the murli. He comes from so far away to speak the murli. Would there be any other teacher who comes from so far away just to teach you? Since the Father loves the murli, then those who say "My Baba" and who have love for the murli, their first love should be for the Father's murli as well as for the Father. Look, Father Brahma did not miss a murli for even one day. Even when he went to Bombay for one reason or another, he wrote the murli and Mateshwari would read that murli. Even on the last day, when his health wasn't so good, he didn't conduct class in the morning, but he became avyakt after conducting evening class. What did Brahma Baba love?

The murli. Those who think that they love Baba, should also love what the Father loved, should they not?

This is why the Father thinks that you should read the murli or study it in class. If it is not possible, and you are not making an excuse, but there is a valid reason, then get someone to read it to you. Raise your hands if you feel that you will give that much importance to the murli! Achcha, everything is visible from here. The Father is also seeing all of you sitting at the back. Achcha. Very good. The Father will take a test paper in between. The teacher should write to Baba the names of those who didn't hear the murli today. You like this, do you not? Achcha.

Today, meeting every child, Father Brahma is giving them all lots and lots through his eyes; he is giving love through his eyes. Achcha.

Baba has received messages from children everywhere. Different letters have come from everywhere filled with sweet feelings of love and remembrance in different words. BapDada is responding to all of them: Each child is merged in the Father's heart with love, and this imperishable love of the Father and the children is eternal. Throughout the whole of the confluence age, the Father and the children's meetings are fixed. Achcha.

Maharashtra, Bombay, Andhra Pradesh: (14,000 have come). Everyone has love for BapDada especially on this day of love, and this love will remain eternal. All those who have come are already standing up. You like the chance that you have of coming here turn by turn, do you not? Do you like it?

No one can have any complaints. Every zone receives a turn. So, do you like this system? Do you like it?

You like this system, do you not? It is good. It has been seen that each zone brings their companions with an open heart (generously). It is a chance for serving the yagya and also a chance for meeting. Even though you get this chance to serve the yagya for only a few days, when you return home after having served the yagya, you experience the attraction of the yagya in your life, and this is why you realise what the family really means. The big family gets together here. Even in your zone you would not get together as such a big family. When you come to Madhuban to meet BapDada you also meet the family at the same time. When you have served the yagya once, the yagya will constantly continue to come in your mind all the time. There is a vast difference between something you have seen and something you have only heard about. Madhuban is the home of every child. You have been sent to different places for service because you have to become world servers, do you not? No one should complain that they didn't know that their Father had come, and He left having given the inheritance, but they didn't even know about it! There shouldn't be this complaint. This is why BapDada always says: Definitely give this message to your neighbours, to those in all the villages and all the areas that your Father has come. Whether they believe this or not is their own fortune but they should not make this complaint. It is your job to give the message; to believe it and to create their fortune is in their hands. However, there shouldn't be any complaints against you. Very good. Service in Maharashtra has expanded very well. BapDada is giving special congratulations for this to the teachers and those who are doing service. Your work should reflect the meaning of your name. You have brought about expansion. Delhi is making plans. The Father gave an instruction and they are putting that into a practical form. Similarly, Maharashtra should also make some new plans, not the same plans, but make plans for service in a new way and spread the sound everywhere.

You are spreading it in Maharashtra but now make one plan or another to spread the sound everywhere through which the sound of your service reaches different countries. It feels good. To remain busy means to become a conqueror of Maya. BapDada is pleased with Maharashtra. Teachers, you are also happy, are you not? Achcha.

Double foreign brothers and sisters: When they hear the word "double foreigners", it inspires a lot of love in their heart for you. There is also a wave of love within the Brahmin family. No matter how far away you may be, the love in the heart makes you come close. This is the speciality of double foreigners.

You are spreading service everywhere. BapDada continues to hear this news. No one should be left out; no one should complain that they didn't get the message. BapDada has seen that those from abroad are now working with those from India and are giving the message in a practical way. No religion should be left out. The message has to given. From the beginning of foreign service, the means to spread service abroad was that everyone would sit on the one stage together: Christians, Muslims, all the people of different religions would sit on the stage at the same time, so that it was visible practically that the Father of all is One. No one should be left out. It should be the same in Bharat as well as abroad. It doesn't matter which branch it is, everyone should definitely receive the message. Now the times are changing and everyone's opinions are also changing. Waves of sorrow and peacelessness are spreading abroad too. This is already present in Bharat. This is why people's desire to listen is increasing. Now, when you invite them, your hall becomes full, but some still remain. So, people's desire is increasing and this is why you have to expand service a lot more. You are also being given a chance. Those from abroad have zeal and enthusiasm for service; day by day this is more visible. Whether someone has come from a village, from abroad or from anywhere, BapDada is telling everyone: Do a lot of service. The time can change at any moment and then even if you want to do service, you will not be able to. Such a time will also come. This is why you must do what you want to do now. Not later, but now! BapDada always says: Do not leave it till tomorrow. Do not leave it for today, but do it now. Because time and the five elements come to the Father and ask: Tell us how much longer this sorrow will continue. They themselves are experiencing sorrow and so what can they do? They will cause sorrow for human souls too, will they not? This is why all of you who have come have to think: Just as Brahmin life is essential, in the same way, according to the present time, it is essential for each one to do service. Do it or get it done through others. Seeing the double foreigners, the whole family is happy, you yourselves are happy and BapDada is also happy. The homework that BapDada has given: You definitely do have to become a conqueror of your mind and, therefore, a conqueror of the world. It is your praise and you simply have to repeat that. Achcha.

Brothers and sisters from Calcutta have set up the flower decorations everywhere: It is good. You have to work very hard, and the hard work you do is seen through the flowers as the love in your heart.

Whether you work hard with your own hands or you work hard to inspire others, you definitely receive the strength (bal) of your hard work and you also receive the fruit (fal) of your hard work. BapDada is giving lots and lots of love especially to those from Calcutta because the Father first incarnated in Father Brahma Baba in Calcutta. This is why those from Calcutta have become instruments to give the response of love.

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations for doing everything with a lot of love. All of you also like it, do you not? There has to be some transformation. They show their love in a practical way. Achcha.

Now, regarding all the children who are personally present here and those who are watching from afar, BapDada has heard that a lot of effort was made for the centres in every country to see and listen to Baba.

It doesn't matter what time of the night it may be for some countries, they also watch Baba. These means of science were invented for you and are benefitting you. Though destruction takes place through science, it is for your kingdom. To all the lovely children everywhere, special love and remembrance, accept affection from the heart and lots of love from the heart of Father Brahma.

Speaking to Dadis: Your fortune will not allow you not to do service. However much fortune someone has, that fortune pulls him. You have fortune, do you not? It is good. Now, the time is bringing the fortunate ones here. The Father has told you that anything can happen suddenly at any time and so time will continue to awaken some souls or other. Very good.

To Par Dadi: (The daughter is meeting her father.) You are now going to become equal to the Father. You will now begin to serve. Make her do service; keep her busy. So many people come here, and so let her continue to share her experiences. Let her continue to do service. Very good.

To Didi Nirmala: (Health is fluctuating a little.) You have understood why it happens. Once you have understood the reason "why" something happens, do not allow that to happen. You know it. You are a gyani soul. Know it and step away from it. Do not allow it to come.

To the three senior brothers - Nirwairbhai, Rameshbhai and Brijmohanbhai: You continue to meet the Pandavas (brothers) and that is very good. Now, all of you three have to pay attention to service, make new plans about what means to use so that everyone receives the message quickly and no one is left out.

Make such plans. Yes, the zones and the centres can also continue to make plans but the intellects of all of you should also work on what newness you should bring about in service, and, as well as that, every now and again, from time to time, continue to tour around the whole yagya. Give everyone zeal and enthusiasm for service at all the places. Some zones continue to do service and some places are such that they never have big programmes. Give them enthusiasm and make them instruments because when you meet among yourselves here, you first make plans here. Then, wherever they are, each one should tour around the places that are close to you. Understand that the responsibility of service lies upon you. As well as getting it done, you also have to do it. Is that OK? Baba heard about your plans; they are fine.

Just as you have become instruments. There isn't anyone else who comes. It is only you who come. You are instruments and so teach the instruments how to have dharna and also give them love. Not just love, but when someone has a need, to enable their need to be fulfilled or give them something yourself is also love. Become instruments in this way. Is this fine? (To Rameshbhai): Your health will be fine. Do not think too much. Whatever is going on, make a plan to deal with it in a second. That is all. Do not think: "There should be this and this." No. Make a plan in a second. You were told about it just now, and so give less time for everything. Finalise everything quickly because time nowadays is valuable. Each Brahmin is valuable.

A retreat centre is being built in Africa and Baba was shown the plan: The enthusiasm that all the instrument children have is reaching here. BapDada is pleased. The more centres are built, the more the children who have become separated will create their fortune. So, you are not inaugurating this, but you have become instruments to open the fortune of many.

To Hansaben: Baba received the news that you wrote. Now, do the work that Baba has given everyone today of how much to think and what to think. Claim number one in this.

BapDada speaking to the Core Committee Members of Shanti Sarovar, Hyderabad: All of you have become instruments for service. This service is world service. It is not service of Hyderabad alone but it is world service. Souls become happy when they serve the world because you are doing charitable work.

Where there is charity you receive blessings. These blessings enable you to fly high in your life. BapDada has received the news that all of you are instruments for service. Very good. Continue to do that and continue to receive blessings because to receive blessings for this task is a very huge, subtle attainment.

This is why do not consider whatever service any of you is doing anywhere to be service, but that you are accumulating your charity, because by accumulating charity you automatically receive the fruit of your motive of serving; you also receive power. So, happily continue to invoke and have good wishes for those souls who come so that whosoever comes goes back prosperous and full of all treasures. Continue to move forward in service with such good wishes and pure feelings. Continue to move forward and enable everyone to move forward and you will receive success as your birthright. However, only if you have good wishes and pure feelings for service will you receive power from service. You will receive happiness, and souls that come to you will receive happiness through whatever you do. Very good. Whatever service you are doing, you are doing it for BapDada's yagya. There is a lot of charity earned in serving the yagya. You are very good. Continue to move forward and enable others to move forward too. Achcha. It is good.

Wherever you all are, it is good. Continue to move forward and make others move forward too.

At the time of farewell: (Brijmohanbhai sang a song: Do not go now as our hearts are not fulfilled.) The heart's desire is never going to be fulfilled. We are always together, we will remain together and we will return home together. (We will be with Baba for our 84 births.) Do that! It is good. Lots and lots of love to everyone on behalf of Father Brahma. (Baba, do You feel like going?) It is in the drama. Achcha.

* O M S H A N T I *