Diamond Dadi

May 13, 2015

Smriti or to Remember

Sweet child: You are now aware that the Father is the Ocean of Knowledge and the Ocean of Happiness.  He definitely gave this knowledge previously and departed. This is why He is remembered.

Sweet Baba, during the course of the day I will reaffirm the awareness:

I am a soul.  I am listening to the Father.  I, the soul, am imbibing His knowledge. I am an imperishable soul."

Samarthi or Power

I constantly plug myself into the power that is received from the above smriti.  I become aware how my smriti is recharging my self-respect.  I pay attention to how my smriti is giving me strength and is allowing me to operate with equanimity and patience in an ever-changing world. 

Mano-vritti or Attitude

Baba to Soul: The main effort is to become soul-conscious. You should be concerned about becoming satopradhan.  Never let stones emerge from your mouths.  If you make a mistake, instantly report it to the Father saying: Baba, I made this mistake. Please forgive me. Never hide your mistakes.

I am determined to have a humble attitude that allows me to be attentive to the efforts that I am making.  A humble attitude sensitizes me to the responsibility I have of becoming pure.  I will renounce carelessness and continue to create ways to benefit myself.

Drishti or Pure Vision

Baba to Soul: When you stay in remembrance of the Father, you would never say wrong things.  There would not be bad vision either.  While looking at everything, it would be as though you did not see anything.  Your third eye of knowledge is now open.

I am determined to 'see no evil' and instead experience how the Father is making me into the one who can see the three aspects of time with my third eye of knowledge.

Creating a Wave

I will do mansa seva and be part of creating a beautiful wave of pure remembrance and attitude spanning the whole globe during the 7:00pm to 7:30pm meditation.   I will engage the smriti, mano-vritti, and drishti from above and give sakaash to the whole world as a humble instrument.