Enchanted Murli


For May 29, 2015

Smriti or to Remember

Sweet child, Now, first of all, consider yourself to be bodiless (a soul). It is in the intellects of you children that you are first souls and then bodies. However, according to the drama plan, people misunderstand this and think the opposite, that they are first bodies and then souls. The Father says: Those are perishable; you discard one and take another. The sanskars are in the soul. This is a very subtle aspect that has to be understood. Souls are extremely subtle and imperishable. Neither a soul nor his part can be destroyed.

Sweet Baba, during the course of the day I will reaffirm the awareness that I am bodiless. I am a soul and I have this body. I am NOT a body that has a soul. I have an imperishable part recorded within me. Neither I, the soul, nor my part can be destroyed.

Samarthi or Power

I constantly plug myself into the power that is received from the above smriti. I become aware how my smriti is recharging my self-respect. I pay attention to how my smriti is giving me strength and is allowing me to operate with equanimity and patience in an ever-changing world.

Mano-vritti or Attitude

Baba to Soul: May you be an elevated server who checks even your thoughts and finishes your account of waste.

I am determined to adopt a powerful attitude while acting on the world stage. The whole world watches and copies me. Hence, I shouldn’t waste even one thought. If I wasted a thought, then I just didn’t waste it for myself but as an instrument, I wasted it for others. Therefore, I adopt a powerful attitude of acting on the world stage. I end the waste and become an elevated server.

Drishti or Pure Vision

Baba to Soul: The Father comes to remove you from the dirt. Human beings are trapped in the quicksand and it is difficult to remove them. Even when you remove them half way or three quarters, they still let go of the hand and fall back in again. According to the drama, it’s not their fault. Maya makes their intellects absolutely degraded.

In my drishti today, I see everyone, no matter how apparently degraded, as a pure soul whom I should comfort and help. By seeing their higher self, I am able to lift them back to their real life. If I see them as their mistaken identity, I reinforce that mistake.

Creating a Wave

I will do mansa seva and be part of creating a beautiful wave of pure remembrance and attitude spanning the whole globe during the 7:00pm to 7:30pm meditation. I will engage the smriti, mano-vritti, and drishti from above and give sakaash to the whole world as a humble instrument.