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For Week of April 6, 2015

Paramdham on Earth

I attended an international event for artists on the island of Sardinia, Italy. This event was organized by the Brahma Kumaris, who I didn’t know previously. The last night in the hotel I went down to the dining hall. Deep in my subconscious mind I noticed something that was extremely powerful and at the same time “strange”. There was a vibration. I could say almost a color, a crimson color that was filling the whole atmosphere in that hall. And there she was, Dadi Janki, having supper by herself in a corner. “Who is that being?” I asked myself. I had never felt that energy, which was moving and removing many of my deepest existential fears. Some time after I understood and could name that scene as “Paramdham on Earth”, due to Dadi Janki’s power of yoga. The following days I had the wonderful chance of being in her company and other senior BKs. From the many things that I observed in Dadi Janki, one stood out: She was able to recognize and understand the extreme inner turmoil that I was experiencing and she could even transgress institutional conditionings so that my soul would begin to flourish.

Words of Wisdom

Remain in silence and use truth and purity to allow your mind and intellect to change your sanskaras. Change yourself in such a way that you are able to be content with yourself and that you emanate those vibrations of contentment. For this, you need to be very honest in yoga… don’t just please yourself in this thinking, ‘Oh yes, today I had very good yoga’. No, I have to be very true, honest and real with Baba and then I will be able to remain yog yukt. It is through my yog yukt stage that I will be able to deal with every person and situation so diplomatically and accurately that things get resolved.

By just saying, ‘Baba, Baba, Baba’ constantly, we are able to go to Paramdham. It is the purity and our yoga that take us there and they take all the souls of the world there too. A special request to all my brothers and sisters around the world from my heart: don’t allow yourself to hang on to anything of the past, anything old; nor should you think of or see anything of others. It is now time to go into the flying stage from the ascending stage. When one begins to fly, the vibrations of that one flying enables many others to fly with them.

What is involved in sending vibrations? Practically do this yourself, and see how the atmosphere is created because your attitude creates the atmosphere. You only have to stay with Baba; it’s very simple. How much happiness we receive by staying with Baba; it’s not possible to express in words. Our heart desires to sit and continue this experience, then others receive the vibrations of our experience.

Drishti Point

I hold the awareness of Paramdham in my intellect. And when I see any soul, I see them in that pure realm of silent and sacred light. When I am with others, I create the vibrations of Paramdham on earth.

Karma Yoga Exercise

I do the service of transforming the atmosphere. I hold the awareness that I am a spiritual magician radiating God’s light into the atmosphere in such a powerful that sorrow disappears like shadows in the sunlight.