25-10-2009          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

Become full of all treasures and give a vision of spirituality through your face and activity.

Today, the Bestower of all Treasures is seeing His children who are the masters of His treasures. Each child is full of all treasures because the Father has given all the children the same treasures at the same time. So, BapDada has come to meet His children who are the children and the masters. The children called out and, because of their love, the Father arrived here. There are many treasures: the first treasure of all is the wealth of knowledge and you have become so prosperous with the wealth of knowledge. You have become great donors and you continue to donate to others. Souls that were tied in different bondages have become free from those bondages through these treasures of knowledge. From being tied in bondage, souls have become free from bondage. Together with that is the treasure of yoga, that is, of remembrance through which you have attained so many of the powers. In the same way, through inculcation, you have experienced all virtues, that is, you have received the treasures. Together with that, with the power of inculcation, there is the power of everyone's love; you have received the treasure of the power of being loving to everyone and detached from everyone. You have experienced the treasure of everyone's love; as well as this, you have also experienced the treasure of limitless happiness in all Brahmin relationships. However, the special treasure amongst all these treasures is the treasure of the time of the confluence age. Those souls who are aware of the importance of the treasure of time always become the masters of many attainments because although the time of the confluence is very short, there is a lot of attainment received in this time. The greatest and most elevated attainment of the confluence age is that you found the Father Himself in the form of the Father, Teacher and Satguru. In the short birth of the confluence age you receive achievement for 21 births in which you have all attainments of tan (body), man (mind), dhan (wealth) and jan (relationships), and you have the guarantee for the full 21 births, not half or three-quarters, but for the full 21 births. The greatest importance is that each second of the confluence age is equal to many years. So, speak! You are full of all treasures, are you not? You are full, are you not? This is why BapDada is constantly reminding you of the time. Some children think that if they think of something else for just one or two minutes, then that is just two minutes. However, according to the importance of time, that is not two minutes. It is not even equal to two months, but it is equal to two years. The time of the confluence has this much importance. You have all attainments of all powers, all virtues, God's love, the love of the Brahmin family and the right to Godly kingdom of the previous cycle. You have all attainments in this short age. You do not have all these attainments in any other age. You will have the fortune of the kingdom; there will be the kingdom of all of you. There will be happiness, peace, everything, but it is only at the confluence age that you have a meeting with God, supersensuous joy, the Brahmin family and the knowledge of the beginning, middle and end. You will continue to receive this every cycle.

BapDada is seeing from the face of each child how many treasures you have accumulated. You have received the treasures, and how much each of you has increased your account of accumulation is visible through your face and activity. Each one of you knows yourself how much you have accumulated. The desire of BapDada's heart is that you have received the treasures, but now is not the time just to speak about them, but your face and activity should give the practical experience of you souls being special, unique and loved by God because, as you progress further and times have changed, your service will not happen just through words. Because the times will become delicate, people will not be able to make much time to come, but they will have a vision of your spirituality from a distance from your face and activity that is full of all treasures. So, now, reveal such effort of yours. You saw Father Brahma: though he was part of a gathering, his personality was experienced to be sparkling from a distance. In the same way, BapDada calls the double foreigners the double effort-makers. Therefore, today, BapDada is pleased to see the double-foreign instruments. You are making good effort for expansion. All of you are receiving very good sustenance from the instrument souls and BapDada likes one thing about all of you very much. That is that all of you souls have a gathering to meet one another especially in Madhuban because the atmosphere of Madhuban helps a great deal in providing refreshment, and there is just the one responsibility of self- transformation, and serving through the mind. You have a good chance of exchanging experiences with one another. BapDada is congratulating you for this.

Now, perform some wonders when you go back to your own places. Give the practical experience of the uniqueness that the Father loves through which you will continue to experience the refreshment of Madhuban there. So, today is the meeting of the special double effort-makers' group; and just look! The people of India have so much love for you that they give you the first chance. So, the result of the first chance is to claim the first number. It feels good. BapDada has also told you earlier that the double foreigners and the double effort-making children have revealed a special title of the Father and in the majority of places abroad they have made the Father's children emerge and created a picture of their fortune. This is why they are making effort with a lot of love everywhere, and through this, the Father's task of the World Benefactor is being revealed. This is why BapDada is giving every child congratulations, "Wah child! wah!" Even now, just as the service of giving Baba's message in every corner of Bharat is continuing, in the same way, you have the enthusiasm there to give the message in the countries that are still remaining because there is no guarantee of time. BapDada has told you in advance that anything can happen suddenly and that is why you have to think of giving the message and your own progress now, not at some time. In fact, BapDada has said that the words "some time" do not seem right in the dictionary of Brahmins. Have the thought now and do it there and then! Do not say, "I will see about it. I will do it." Do not use the language of leaving something to the future. This is why your Mama also kept this aim. She used to remind everyone: If not now, then never.

So, double effort-making children, are you those who will do something right now or at some point in time? Those of you who think that you are those who will demonstrate this by doing something right now, raise your hands! "I definitely have to do it. I have to do it", not, "I will do it at some point", "I have to do it." Remember: Keep your own chart. BapDada has also told you earlier: After relating your chart of the whole day to BapDada at night, go to sleep by first clearing your head and you will then be able to sleep well because by telling Baba about whatever happens every day, you would remember the next day that you had told Baba about it the day before, and that awareness helps you. You will then not have to go to the land of Dharamraj. You already gave it to Baba and transformed it and so you will be saved from the land of Dharamraj. Now, next year - no one has seen it - but keep the aim. Put aside a year, but for whatever short time, reveal in a practical way as quickly as possible the hope that the Father has of revelation through your face and your activity. Do you have courage? Then raise your hands! Do you have courage? Do you? OK. Congratulations! BapDada is right now seeing faith and the zeal and enthusiasm of courage in every child. However, do not reduce it when you go back on the planes. Continue to increase it. Always keep with you the key of determined thought that BapDada has given you. "I have to do it, right now". Not at some time in the future. That time has now gone. It will happen; it has to happen. Not that it will happen; it has to happen. Always remember the title of being a double effort-maker that BapDada has given you.

BapDada heard the result. Bharat and the countries abroad have not done anything less in terms of the plan of service that BapDada gave. The majority of places have used this blessing with zeal and enthusiasm and Baba continues to receive the results from the different places. Whether it is the children of Bharat or the children abroad, BapDada is giving multimillionfold congratulations for putting everything into a practical form.

BapDada has now told you what you have to especially do practically this year: the sparkle should be visible on your face. Whoever sees you, you have to be an instrument for revelation, you have to reveal the Father, and so what do you have to do? Your face should always be smiling. There should be no thoughts or confusion. BapDada had told you to remember two expressions now: Signal Maya to get out and to experience yourself to be in a guest house. This world does not belong to you; it is a guest house. You definitely have to return home now. The scenes of the home should be visible in your mind and intellect. Then, you will automatically feel that the home is here. You have a song: We now have to return home. Whether you are from Bharat or abroad, now give this experience in a practical way. Have unlimited disinterest. One's heart cannot get attached to a guest house. You always remember: I have to return. I have to go back. Unlimited disinterest would completely finish any type of thoughts in your mind or any obstacles of Maya in a gathering among yourselves. The storms of Maya will become a gift for you. Then, the small test papers that come to you will not seem like test papers, but they will seem like a lift to increase your experience. Gift and lift. Do you understand?

Now keep the aim of having unlimited disinterest, keep flying and make others fly with the wings of courage, zeal and enthusiasm. It is now time to fly. Always check that your wings are not becoming weak. BapDada is pleased to see the growth of double foreigners.

What does He want to see now? That each child becomes complete and perfect, the same as the Father, full of all treasures and perfect in following every Shrimat that you receive. Do you like that? If you like it, then you can applaud. Achcha. Remember this applause every day. Clap in your mind every day. Do not clap externally, but in your mind. This is the homework. Achcha.

2300 brothers and sisters have come from 90 countries. (Brothers and sisters from the five continents stood up according to the continent they came from.) 1. America, Canada, Caribbean. 2. Australia, Asia, New Zealand, Fiji. 3. Europe, UK, Middle-East. 4. Africa, South Africa, Mauritius. 5. Russia, CIS, Baltic region.

All places had the thought of making progress and you also had spiritual chit-chats among yourselves. BapDada continues to receive the news. Now, prepare a group of those who remain ever-ready. However many countries children have come from, BapDada will give a prize to those countries. The prize that will be given will be seen at that time. BapDada is saying to the group of double effort- making children from each area: This is for any group that becomes number one; however many centres there are in each city of one region. For example, take America; however many cities and countries are connected with America, all of them should discuss among themselves and create a programme there that they will all remain free from obstacles, ever-ready, conquerors of Maya, loving and co- operative in service. BapDada will give a prize to those who are number one. OK, not just one, but Baba will give prizes to three. One, two and three -.three numbers. Generally, it is given to just one, but you are double effort-makers and so a chance will be given to three. Do you like it? Yes, you can wave your hands. Do you like it? How much time do you need? The teachers should say how much time you need to claim the prize. Speak! (By February) Teachers of all countries, raise your hands! Is that all right? You will be ready by then, will you not? Then BapDada will give a prize. Very good. You can applaud for this. Achcha.

The turn for Bharat will also come. Now, it is your turn. BapDada is also pleased: Wah intense effort-making children! wah! Achcha. What are we going to do now? Achcha.

To all the intense effort-makers from everywhere who fly with the wings of courage, zeal and enthusiasm, not those who walk, but those who fly, the children from everywhere who are going to become complete and perfect like the Father and who are seated on BapDada's heart-throne, to those who constantly experience the combined form with the Father and who take help from that form, to each long-lost and now-found loving child of the Father, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

Speaking to the Dadis: All of you have helped the Father, have you not? The yagya has continued and will continue with the help of both the children and the Father. You are also instruments for this, are you not? In the corporeal form, one said one thing and the other one did it. You have been co-operative with one another and are flying. BapDada is pleased to see you flying. (Dadi Janki said that it was a wonder of Dadi Gulzar.) She is with you anyway. It is BapDada's pure desire that all of you who are instruments should be visible as one. You should not be seen to be different, but all should be seen as one. One said something and another one gave her idea and you become united. This is why the yagya is still continuing. It is continuing with the unity of all of you. Externally, it may not be visible, but in your thoughts and ideas, you should remain as one and move forward in that because everyone's vision is now on all of you. Achcha.

Par Dadi: You are playing a very good part. You don't look unwell from your face. BapDada is very pleased to see the child. (She always keeps singing.) This is why her face is sparkling. You don't look unwell from your face.

Rameshbhai: Is Usha's health ok? Give her my remembrance.

Brother Brijmohan: What you did in India has created a good impact. Everyone received the message. Their interest grew. You did well. Working together and taking advice from one another. You did well. Even now, some are doing the same programmes. It is good that at least they get the message. You did well through the T.V. too. You have worked very hard.

Main sisters from abroad: All of you like getting together here, do you not? You have a free mind. There, you have to think of service and students. Here, you have just one thing to do. You get together and do it, and this is what BapDada likes very much. When all of you equals come together, everything moves along in the same manner. BapDada likes it very much. (To Jayantiben) Are you all right? Is your health OK? Is the health of all of you OK? (To Mohiniben) This one's account has also finished. The same happens to everyone. Now, each one of you knows your own pulse, as to what happens and how it happens. You have become knowledge-full; although the body is old, the soul has courage. You are ever-ready for service. Now, according to the times you will have to remain alert. (We continue to receive many invitations). At present they have begun to take an interest. Baba will now tell you more in the next meeting what the form of service should be.

(Uncle and Aunty have remembered You very much.) Tell them: a hundred thousand times, multimillion times love and remembrance. (Someone asked Baba: Baba, You will come to see everything in our world, will You not?) I will see everything whilst sitting up above.

Nizarbhai: ("The Serve India" programme will be taking place in Hyderabad on 7th and 8th November.) This will be a new trial. It is good. The programme is good. First a sample will be created. (A plan has been created to hold these programmes in 32 cities in the whole of India.) It will continue to happen. Now, at least the first one will go well.

Shantamani Dadi: You are lying on the bed of snakes. There is an image of Vishnu portraying him lying comfortably on a bed of snakes. You are also lying in the same way. A lot of income is being earned internally. Continue to serve from within with your mind.

Speaking to Kartikenbhai and other guests: The point of the drama is firm, is it not? Whatever happens is good for the self. The benefit and result of that soul is very good. It is the best of all. You must not worry about it. Remain carefree. The Father is seeing that everything is good. Look, the practical form of service has been shown. You did very well. You showed courage. The fruit of courage is very good. Your name is registered in BapDada's register as a courageous one.

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